Language Classes at Gurukulam

There are currently four Language Classes offered at Gurukulam - Sanskrit, Hindi, Telugu and Tamil. The syllabus is set to include not just learning the alphabets but reading, writing and speaking.
Poems and prayers in the languages improve pronunciation and promote an interest in speaking it, subhashitams or words of wisdom promote understanding of the language and culture, participating in sambhashanams or conversation helps build confidence as does acting or helping with stage plays and skits.
Being a part of Gurukulam, the language class instruction is always in synergy with Dharma class syllabus, teaching stories from mythology, Indian culture and traditions in the language being taught.


  • Sanskrit, Hindi, Telugu and Tamil
  • Subhashitams and Morals
  • Poems and Prayers
  • Hindu Customs, Traditions and Symbols

Language Classes being Offered


Sanskrit classes are taught by our talented teachers using Samskrita Bharati's syllabus.


Hindi students are at different levels - the youngest ones working on their swar and vyanjan's while the more advanced students are working on reading and writing small paragraphs. All of them are enjoying learning poems, songs and conversation.


  • 5 levels each of reading and writing.
  • 6th level combines both with the reading and discussion of a classic - BalaRamayanam written by Sri Mullapudi Venkata Ramana garu and illustrated by Sri Bapu.
  • Padyalu from Pothana Bhagavatam, Vemana and Sumathi Satakalu and Kaviyitri Molla's Ramayana.
  • Padhyalu audio: Archive - Padhyalu MP3s


The Tamil class syllabus is based on the proven and extensive Tamil Academy curriculum - children are at different levels of speaking, reading and writing in Tamil and receive a lot of personal attention learning to speak their mother tongue.